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10 posts tagged with "anomaly-detection"

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· 4 min read
Andrew Maguire


Over the last few years we have slowly and methodically been building out the ML based capabilities of the Netdata agent, dogfooding and iterating as we go. To date, these features have mostly been somewhat reactive and tools to aid once you are already troubleshooting.

Now we feel we are ready to take a first gentle step into some more proactive use cases, starting with a simple node level anomaly rate alert.

· 4 min read
Andrew Maguire


We have recently extended the native machine learning (ML) based anomaly detection capabilities of Netdata to support all metrics, regardless on their collection frequency (update every).

Previously only metrics collected every second were supported, but now Netdata can run anomaly detection out of the box with zero config on metrics with any collection frequency.

This post will illustrate an example of what this means using Prometheus metrics (via the Netdata Prometheus collector) since they typically have a default collection frequency of 10 seconds.

· 9 min read
Andrew Maguire


We have been busy at work under the hood of the Netdata agent to introduce new capabilities that let you extend the "training window" used by Netdata's native anomaly detection capabilities.

This blog post will discuss one of these improvements to help you reduce "false positives" by essentially extending the training window by using the new (beautifully named) number of models per dimension configuration parameter.